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New Feature

New Features release

By August 17, 2022June 28th, 2023No Comments

AUG 2022: Here a few new features released

Document Manager:

  • Ability to share the folder with other users
  • When the folder is shared, ability to give just view or update permission
  • Ability to drag and drop multiple files into a folder
  • Ability to add images into the folders.
  • View the properties of the folder and items that will give you the details of the size, count and entire path of the folder or item

Incident Manager:

  • Change log for all the incidents

Learning Management System (LMS):

  • Ability to retake a course
  • Ability to delete a course from the user when the task is deleted
  • Restrict the user from closing the course type task if the course is not completed
  • Ability to add tags to make it consistent to the rest of the platform
  • Ability to filter

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