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Mobiconnect Release Notes V2024.5.1

There have been some significant updates and upgrades to our platform since the past three months. One of them includes smarter features so you can learn how to send push notifications to apps, with some smarts added to it.

Database upgrade from version 5.7 to 8.0.33! 

Our system database has been migrated from MySQL version 5.7 which had gone end of life to latest MySQL v8.0.33. Our Mobiconnect backend has been improved providing support to faster API operations and reducing the response times.


How to send smart push notifications to apps? 

Mobiconnect has an inbuilt feature for sending out Push Notifications. We have now more smarts added onto it so your app notifications can be a lot more powerful.

  • You can send out your push notifications instantly to all of your devices registered to the application.
  • Mobiconnect push notifications can be sent to either iOS or Android or Both of your app users.
  • Push Notifications can also be scheduled for a specific date and time, Mobiconnect will take care of the rest in delivering it to all the devices.
  • Push Notifications can also be sent out based on your devices added to particular segments.

Here’s a “how to send push notifications to your apps” support article which shows you how easy it is to send out notifications to your apps.

How to send smart push notifications to apps

Images module and Thumbnail generation service.

There have been several modifications in images module over the past three months.

  • Complete upload of files have been migrated to a microservice architecture, which results in a better availability of the application even when there is a high load on server when multiple users are trying to upload their files on the system
  • A new Thumbnail generation service has been introduced which created a thumbnail for each and every photo and video files uploaded to our system. A thumbnail url is returned back in the response for the file uploaded.
  • Our AWS buckets are even more secured with our new image microservice, each file uploaded needs to be verified using our system’s authentication key to block all unsecure access to our files.


Custom serialisers and pagination.

  • Custom serialisers have been introduced throughout mobiconnect platform, which helps in decreasing the response size of our APIs.
  • Pagination are being added in our system for faster retrieval of data in our APIs, New V2 apis have been deployed for User Management, Document Manager, Push Notifications, Incident modules.



  • Google Maps and MailChimp CRM are now available as a third party integration on our platform.
  • Stripe dependency apis are now migrated to the latest api version (2024-04-10) provided.
  • Stripe payment web hooks have been implement for better analytics on invoicing module.

Few more stability and performance enhancements released.

If you need a hand you can always reach out and raise a tech support ticket at 


Enjoy Mobiconnect



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