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Marketplace: Integrate with Stripe, Twilio, Sendgrid and more

By November 22, 2023No Comments

Integrations are here! 

It’s been on the wish list for a long time! yes, we have started rolling out “Integrations” with popular programs such as Stripe, Twilio, Sendgrid and more.

Check it out at this link to get started.

If you do not have access to this, make sure you head to “USERS” and check the “Roles and Permissions” has Integrations ticked on

A simple use-case on how you can integrate Stripe would be to send invoices to Job Bookings and collect payments through your Stripe account. This way you can manage all your workflow in the one place, and one easy to use system. There are plenty of features to use and get used to but once you are on the way, we are very confident it will be a seamless journey.

Integrate Stripe in Mobi

Yes, more integrations are coming. Zap, Zap, Zap… perhaps ChatGPT too?



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