Mobiconnect Release Notes V1.2.14
Hope you had a great holiday season! New to 2024 is that our Jobs/Bookings management software modules has new features.
As always our team is either improving existing features or the experience, or working on some brand new and shiny feature updates. Here’s what’s kept us busy…
JOBS/BOOKING MANAGEMENT (with contractors/users availability and time-off)
- Now you can add Contractor Availability Slots for each day of the week.
- A job or a booking can only be assigned to a user/contractor if they are “available”.
- The flexible system lets you add in different slots for each day. For eg: part-time workers, or AM or PM worker only.
- We’ve made is flexible so that account owners can manage this easily.
- Time Off for contractor is also introduced.
- Contractor can add their own time-off and on that day he/she won’t be assigned any jobs.
Few more stability and performance enhancements released. If you need a hand you can always reach out and raise a tech support ticket at
We are also always keen to hear from you about any new features or if you want to be across our product road-map.