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Bookings Management

Create and Manage Job bookings

Manage and track your job bookings seamlessly through a structured dashboard with multiple viewing options, filters, and data export capabilities. Create, edit, and manage your bookings with associated status controls.

Multi-view options

Switch between List, Map, and Calendar views to visualise your job data effectively.

Calendar View
The Calendar view provides a time-based visualisation of job bookings, allowing you to see job schedules over daily, weekly, or monthly timelines.

  • Day View: Displays jobs scheduled for a specific day.
  • Week View: Displays all jobs for a selected week.
  • Month View: Displays all job bookings throughout the entire month.
  • Navigation Controls: You can navigate forward or backward in time or jump to today’s date to view jobs scheduled for the current day.

List View
The List view presents job bookings in a tabular format, providing a concise overview of all job details in a list.

  • Tabular Display: Jobs are listed with details visible in columns.
  • Sort Options: Allows sorting of job data by fields like job ID, name, customer, or scheduled time for easier data management.
  • Pagination Controls: Supports navigating through large sets of jobs data.

Associated Actions:

Edit: Allows modification of job details.
View: Provides detailed information about a specific job.
Delete: Enables the deletion of job entries from the system with confirmations.

Map View
The Map view displays the geographical locations of jobs on a map, enhancing route planning.

  • Geographical Tags: Jobs are marked on the map with pins, showing their exact or approximate locations.
  • Zoom and Pan Controls: You can zoom in and out and pan across the map to view jobs in different regions.

New Booking

Allows you to create new job bookings by entering essential job details. It supports configuring various aspects of the job, such as scheduling, assigning contractors, specifying location information, and attaching relevant documents.

Details Tab:
Primary job information such as title, customer, contractor, date, time and scheduling features like recurring, and opt Workflow.

Attach Documents Tab:
Allows you to upload files directly or attach documents from workspace docs, supporting a drag-and-drop interface or file browser for uploading.

Notes Tab:
Enables adding both public and internal notes related to the job.

Save Draft: Saves the current job as a draft.
Create: Finalises the booking and adds it to the jobs/Bookings list.

Other Key Features

Search and filters
Quickly find job entries using name and customer search, along with advanced filtering options such as Customer, Service Type, Job Status, Date Range, and Contractor.

Data export
Export your job data in CSV format, selecting specific columns such as Job, Description, Customer, Contractor, Planned Start, and Status.

Publication status
Manage your bookings efficiently by categorising jobs as published (finalised and active) or drafts (saved for future edits).