How to Manage and Update Job Statuses ?
Follow the steps below to edit, view, delete, or update job statuses.
Step 1:
Login into Mobiconnect with Owner/Admin credential and select your project.
Step 2:
Navigate to Bookings page by Clicking “Jobs” from the main menu
Step 3:
Navigate to the quick access area of each job to perform various actions.

Info : Quick Actions
Edit :
Click on the pencil icon next to any job to edit its details. Modify the necessary job details. Click on ‘Update’ to save the changes made to the job booking.
View :
Click on the eye icon next to any job to check the details of that job.
Click on the ‘trash can’ icon to delete a job.
A confirmation popup appears. Click “Yes” to confirm the deletion. The job booking will be removed from the list.
Step 4:
Change the status of a job by selecting options like ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ from the dropdown under ‘Status’ of each job.