How to Archive and Unarchive Jobs?
Follow the steps below to archive or unarchive jobs in the system.
Step 1:
Login into Mobiconnect with Owner/Admin credential and select your project.
Step 2:
Navigate to Bookings page by Clicking “Jobs” from the main menu
Step 3:
From the list view, check the box next to the Job ID. Archive and delete icons appear beside the search bar.

Step 4:
Click on the archive icon. A confirmation popup appears. Click “Yes” to confirm archiving the job.
Unarchive Jobs
Step 1:
Navigate to Bookings page by Clicking “Jobs” from the main menu
Step 2:
Click on the Filter button and select the Archived Jobs checkbox. The system displays the archived records.

Step 4:
Archived jobs display in the list.
Step 5:
From the list view, check the box next to the Job ID you want to unarchive. Unarchive and delete icons appear beside the search bar.

Step 6:
Click on the unarchive icon. The job gets unarchived and shown in the jobs list.